Red cabbage salad Japanese style

A red cabbage is a pretty big thing to eat for two and I’m trying to find new recipes that change from my usual ones. Recently I’m searching new ideas to change from my routine cooking, not that I don’t like what I cook but it’s became somehow too easy. Of course I don’t necessarily have the time for very complex recipes, but I am sure there other simple manners to prepare some ingredients that I use, and I’ve just forgotten about it or don’t know  about. There are many also that use products I don’t use/buy/make for example non seasonnal products, frozen food, canned food (except chickpeas), mayonnaise, deep fried, beef, shellfish, but still many remains. So I slowly trying new mixes and new arrangement and so far it’s working good. So here is one recipe for a Japanese version of a red cabbage salad: shaved red cabbage, boiled new potatoes, okara, and Japanese salted salmon. Dressing with a little of rice oil, soya sauce and black sesame.

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