Simmered plums

When I harvested the garden plums I had in mind to try one recipe of simmered plum from my Shojin cuisine book. So I kept 6 of the largest and greenest plums for that recipe. But busy with other things I didn’t prepare them right away and the plum have turned from green to a beautiful orange, and were ripening very quickly. So I decided to go for an other manner to cook them, simply preparing some kind of compote. I put the plums in ample water and boiled them at low heat for 2h under cover; then I drained most of the water and kept only 5 to 10mm in the pan, added 2tbs of brown sugar and simmered at low heat again for 30min without cover, or until almost all the syrup is gone. Instead I obtained a thick jelly (the brown paste in between the plum on the picture).

You can serve the plums warm, at room temperature or cold. 

Salmon soup

With the leftovers of the salmon filet and the Swiss chard I prepared a soup for our dinner tonight. Simply by boiling some little pasta (some Sicilian pasta for soup I had left from our trip to Italy last December) in salted water and adding the cooked fish and Swiss chard 3minutes before serving. Added olive oil and black pepper and served hot.

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