
Breakfast, as I often say, is my favorite meal and I would never skip it!!! But it wasn’t always the case, it took me twenty years to be able to eat breakfast… Probably because waking up early to go to school wasn’t adapted to my sleep rythme and I’ve never been a morning person… When waking up to the alarm (which I try not to do too often anymore) I am in an autonomous mode for a (A. would say loooong) while. When I first started eating breakfast, I was in college. At first when I was still home, my father would bring my breakfast to me, no kidding!!!! My breakfasts consisted in things that are really easy to serve without preparation: muesli with milk, a pack of fruits compote, a glass of fruit juice and a large cup of tea. I kept the same routine when I moved out. It could be made easily, but I took it in my room on a silver platter, beautifully organized and served. That was part of the routine of making it enjoyable, together with listening to music and getting ready.

We kept a similar routine for a long time, but slowly replaced muesli by bread or equivalent that we would buy, and the compote by fresh fruits. We also got ridden of the fruit juice. I also adapted my schedule (that I am lucky I can control 99% of the time) to something that fits more my morning slowness, by allowing more time to breakfast and avoiding morning craziness. So that now we don’t buy bread anymore, or only croissants or pain de mie from artisan boulangers once in a while. I bake it most of the time or I prepare pancakes or scones. The music is still an important aspect of our breakfast!

I have endless variations of bread recipes that I am now all trying with the respectus panis approach: with not enriched flour, little salt, little yeast. It works great!!! And I found that it is even more adapted to our schedule as now I prepare the dough in the late afternoon, let it prove a few hours, shape the bread in the evening, put it in the fridge, and in the morning bake it for 20-25min depending on the size and type, which is just perfect for a out of the oven bread for breakfast!!!

The bread in the picture is one of my favorite: 4/5 of plain white flour (I am testing organic Japanese flour providers from different regions of Japan, preferably closer than Hokkaido, I’ll keep you posted once I have found something really nice), and 1/5 of roughly stone grounded whole wheat flour that has a lot of coarse bran in it. It gives the bread an interesting texture and a subtle flavor. I bake it low in the oven hence it doesn’t have the golden color on top, but on the bottom!!!!

While this breakfast routine is what I find the easiest to go with every morning, I like both savory and sweet breakfast. Eggs, bacon, cheese, salad, avocado toasts, honey, jam… everything makes me happy! But there is one thing I never prepare but I love dearly is a true Japanese breakfast… I promise a post on Japanese breakfast and a few recipes in a few weeks!!!

Now time to go surfin’ 🏄🏻‍♀️!!!

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