It’s cold! Let’s eat fukinoto curry!!!

Plum trees start to blossom, fukinoto start to sprout out the frozen soil, but it’s cold outside!!! And when it is that cold I love the warmth of a curry with rice. So simple to prepare with whatever is in the fridge and whatever spices are on the shelves!  For this recipe I used sweet potato, carrot, and fukinoto. For the spices: curry powder, cardamom, nutmeg, salt and pepper. I had a piece of grilled katsuo and added it to the dish but vegan is also very good. I chopped the vegetables and cooked them in a bit of vegetal oil, then cover them with water and add the spices: a tsp of each, a pjnch of salt and a bit of pepper and cooked until the liquid almost disappeared. I added here the grilled katsuo in big crumbs. Stirred well and finished with the fukinoto. Cooked under cover 2min and served to eat immediately with warm rice. The fukinoto suits very nicely the curry a very nice combination. What is your favorite recipe to fight thevold weather and keep warm?

2 thoughts on “It’s cold! Let’s eat fukinoto curry!!!

  1. Super! Grace a tes recettes, je cuisine des legumes locaux dont je n’avais aucune idee du nom ni de la facon de les preparer !

  2. Je suis super contente de voir ca!! C’est un peu l’idee pour les gens qui habitent au Japon et ne maitrise pas les ingrédients japonais. Comme moi quand je suis arrivee il y a 12 ans! Merci Celine!!!

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