Cooking just for me

Whether it’s because I am working from home and I am there for lunch, or because A. has a dinner outside, or he is away on business trip, there are quite a few times when I eat alone. In these occasions it is very rare that I don’t cook something for myself. I like the simple fact of preparing something just for me, something that I usually don’t cook because A. doesn’t like it. This usually includes a lot of cheese, probably butter, and a lot of veggies, usually no meat no fish. It is also a time when I can test some new recipes, some new combinations, or some new ingredients. Cooking for one person I missed admit it’s a little bit tricky, because most of the vegetables are too big for one in finding the proper sizing is quite of a challenge for me. So overall I like this challenge and I’m always happy to take it. So this week A. was away and I had a few dinners and breakfasts to prepare for myself. The first thing I did was to make myself muesli pancakes as A. doesn’t like them much, he prefers plain ones, and I do love them.

But where I had the most fun was to make myself a cheesy stinky Parmigiano and olive oil mashed potatoes… he wouldn’t have stand the smell, which actually was quite persistent and I had to air the apartment before it came back!!! The reason for such a bad smell was actually my attempt to make a parmigiano tuile, which basically consists in grated Parmigiano grilled in the oven. I thought it was fancy looking but in the end not only was it stinky but it was not really tasting good. An experiment that I will never try again. and because I don’t neglect myself, I serve my little purée with cabbage sprouts and pancetta . 

And since recently I am in a quest of using properly spices, in particular Indian spices, as I received many from an Indian researcher in my lab, I tested a recipe that came to my mind after reading Vik’d book on Indian home cooking. A simple plate of potatoes, tatsoi and tofu, spiced with turmeric, chili pepper, cumin and garam masala. I was quite happy with the result though spices dosage is something I need to work on! I guess it comes with time and experience!

What do you like to cook just for yourself??? Are you rather lazy or fancy?

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