New start!

With a sister who has let me down without a word after 3 years of Tokyo Paris sisters, I have decided to come back to my very first website and to continue to share my culinary experiences with those interested in Japanese-French-Italian cooking, and in fresh, local and seasonal food. So basically nothing has changed but the name and address.

I didn’t have much time to vamp the website yet and work on the data but I will. I plan to try to have something simple, accessible and comprehensible. I realized that the glossary from TPS was not enough and I have new ideas to present the specific ingredients so that everyone can easily replace them with what is available locally or know which ingredients comes when. Indeed, why would you desperately search for a very specific ingredient from far far away when there are so many others ingredients available that were grown locally and totally make the trick? For example it is very simple to replace gobo (Japanese burdock) by tragopogon, and vice versa, same family different branches. The taste is of course a little different but it works very well and anyway, I’ve never seen tragopogon in Japan! It’s the same with citrus fruits. There is almost to none oranges grown in Japan that reach Tokyo, they all come from very far away countries. But instead there are decopon, hassaku, natsumikan and so many others that work as well. And in many cases they have traveled just 100km to reach Tokyo!

Let’s get started! And I will share my adventure of last weekend about miso making very very soon!!

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