More bread

I can’t stop making bread and trying new recipes each time. And each time being delighted by the result, yet the other day I bought some bread at Viron (the top place for me to buy bread in Tokyo) and I realized that I need much more practice to attain such a stability in the result.

Anyway, it just mean more fun! 

Here is a recipe of a delicious meslin bread.  For a large bread you need: 250g of flour, 250 of rye floor, 25g of sry sourdough, 2g of yeast, 10g of salt, 350g of warm water. As usual start by mixing well the ingredients, then stirr until soft. Wait for 90min, shape the bread, wait an other 90min. Spread flour on top of the bread and cut in a cross. Bake for 25min at 230C.

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