Spring energy

With super fresh green beans and broad beans it is really easy to prepare anything. They just need to be blanched and can be eaten with everything: risotto, pasta, quinoa… I prepared some quinoa the other day, so today it is whole wheat penne. A bit of olive oil, salt and pepper, and you have the perfect dinner ready in 10min!!! Full of energy and good things to survive this week!!!

Magic friends

What I thought was a crazy thing Saturday turned out to be an incredible experience. In less than 48h we have found more loving houses for our orphan kittens than we can actually satisfy! Thanks to some magic friends our kittens are living a happy life in our bathroom in the country, while we work in Tokyo and hopefully by the end of the week they will all have new families. (Appologies for those who wanted one and won’t) And if it works well they will stay in pair so won’t be too home sick!!!! I keep my finger crossed and thank again everyone who is helping in this adventure!

Coconut pancakes

Yes, I was worried sick about Pablo, then about her kittens, now about how will we handle the situation, and slept bad and no appetite but A. was still hungry (even the very one time he had high fever he was hungry!!!).

So I had to cook anyway, and when I made the oat bran cinnamon pancakes, the recipe that inspired me was actually oat bran, coconut, cinnamon pancakes. Except that I didn’t like the idea of mixing cinnamon that is more a warm taste to me (perfect when chilly outside), and coconut that is more a fresh taste that I enjoy better when it’s warm. So I slpit the recipe in two, and made coconut pancakes that are perfect eaten with nothing more and when lottle appetite. In the pancake base, made with whole wheat flour, I added the same amount of gratted coconut. Then cook until golden, as usual. 

Crazy thing

In the last few days I haven’t cook much, just to enough sustain us. Indeed, I’ve had little appetite and couldn’t sleep because we’ve found our cat Pablo dead in a rice paddy irrigation canal, and I did this crazy thing to take her four orphan kittens just 4weeks old and take care of them. I didn’t know what else to do. Yet the golden week is getting to its end and we are going back to Tokyo without the kittens. We’ve arranged so that someone will come every day to take of them and we needed to arrange for them to live in our bathroom confortably and safely: I found 2 kittens stucked in the bathtub at 3am!! In the mean time we are looking for loving houses for them. If you know someone in Kanto area, please let me know!!!!

Fresh salad

One day is really warm, the next is chilly… One day I want simple veggies salad, the next something hot and full of energy. This time was warm and I was fancying a fresh salad with simple vegetables to go with some simple pasta. With a wide variety of small radishes, small tomatoes, fresh cucumbers, baby carrots it was really simple to prepare something. For the dressing simply olive oil and black sesame seeds.

Simmered bamboo shoots

There are plenty of manners to eat bamboo shoots in Japanese traditional cuisine and that one is a real classic. It always starts after you have cooked the bamboo shoots in rice water. This simmered recipe is really simple and as a strong Japanese accent with the sweet soya sauce arranngement, that can actually also be used for any other vegetables: pumpkin, carrot, potato…

Cut the bamboo shoot in half in the height, then cut 2cm thick slices. Arrange them in a pan and add water to just cover them. Heat until it boils. Then add 1tbs of brown sgar and 2 tbs of soya sauce, and a 1tsp of rice vinegar. Cook under cover for 10min at low heat, turn softly from time to time. When all the pieces of bamboo our brownish remove the cover and increase the heat. Wait until all the water as disappeared. It’s ready!

Oat bran pancakes

Since we’re spending the golden week in Ohara I’m cooking/baking every day for breakfast and with the weather being very unstable, this morning I wanted something new, something different in texture and taste. I was having some oat bran and thought it could be a good base to start with. So I browsed a bit for inspiration and found two things, first an idea for a recipe, second a nice website/app that I didn’t know about: yummly.com and seems very well designed to find recipes and inspiration. I’ve also started posted recipes there so I will probably keep you updated anout that soon.

As for our breakfast I prepared some oat bran cinnamon pancakes with using mainly oat bran to which I added a little of flour, baking powder, salt, brown caster sugar, one egg, soy milk and plenty of cinnamon powder. Stirred well and cook in a hot pan until golden. Perfect straight or with butter, honey, marmalade…

Semolina bread

When we were in Sicily I bought different types of flour and in particular a delicious semolina. I used it often for making pasta but I suddenly remembered a bread recipe using it and decided to try it for our breakfast this morning. The process is basically the same as making bread with plain flour except that 1/3 of the flour is replaced by semolina. I gives a very white bread with a soft and tender heart and a very thin and crusty shell. I shaped it as a regular bread but I assume it can be shaped differently too. Extremely delicious for breakfast with jam. 

Picnic Japanese style

When I have guests from abroad I try to cook Japanese as much as possible except for breakfast. So when we decided to take a walk to the beach and picnic there I decided to prepare some bamboo shoots onigiri or o musubi. This is just the end of the season of bamboo shoots, so I wanted to take the most of it. It is extremely easy to prepare and super fresh and delicious. I prepared the bamboo shoot as usual, first boiled in rice water, then in a light dashi: konbu, katsuo, iwashi… Cook some Japanese rice too, all white, or half brown. Add a bit of salt once cooked, some kinome leaves. Chop the bamboo shoot in dice of less than 5mm. Insert in the rice and stir well, then start preping for the balls. Finish with a little branch of kinome, or a thin alice of bamboo shoot. Have a nice golden week!!!

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