Quinoa and autumn veggies

Autumn, winter, autumn, winter… day after day the temperature are one day high one day low, and I have a hard time deciding what to cook. I don’t want to start already to cook tuch winter stuff because I know it’s long before spring and the new veggies, and though I love cabbage, and turnips there’ll be plenty of time to eat some. Yet when it’s cold it is exactly what I am craving for. So today’s recipe is a fall-winter prep with quinoa and veggies. I just boiled the quinoa with water and salt, and finish with a drop of olive oil. The veggies: 1 leek, 1 carrot, 1 purple sweet potato, and 2 turnips are slightly sautéed in olive oil. Et voilà! A perfect one-plate for dinner!

Mapple butter

Beautiful Saturday morning, blue sky, big Mount Fuji covered in snow, it could have been a perfect day if only I were not obliged to spend the best of the day stuck inside doing my duty as department secretary. One beautiful day lost is nothing you can make up for. ..

At least to cheer me this morning I baked us pancake to eat with the amazing Canadian mapple butter our friends from Canada, now visiting Japan, brang us. Mapple butter is made with 100% of mapple syrup and has the creamy consistence of honey. I find it’s the perfect spread for breakfast with wholewheat breads or fluffy pancakes. This mirning I made simple vanilla pancakes to go with. Deliciously simple. Thanks Dana & Chris!

Cauliflower and broccoli

Having all these beautiful cabbages in the fridge, I’m always wondering which one to chose and to cook, so tonight I opted for a duet: cauliflower and broccoli. 

Again this time, the recipe was not decided when I started to cook and I changed my mind ten times in the process. So first I steamed half a cauliflower and a broccoli, because I wasn’t sure of what I was to prepare I kept them separately all the time. Then with the cauliflower I prepared a roux with quite a lot of flour to obtain  a thick dough, seasonned with nutmegs, salt and pepper, and decided to make pancakes with that. For the broccoli I decided to make a soup, so I also prepared a roux but with very little flower, then I blended the steamed broccoli and added enough water for two servings, salt, and a little of sesame seeds.

I baked the pancakes in a greased pan, and served. An other seeving option is with some prosciutto and Parmegiano with the pancakes. 

Veggies sautéed with yuzu

Simple, warm and fruity, the perfect meal for a rainy day, when for the first time of the season it feels cold despite the light coat.

I prepared this recipe on the fly, adding ingredients while cooking. I first started with some potatoes diced that I started to cook in a bit of oil. Then I hesitated between red cabbage and cauliflower and opted for cauliflower, that I added to the pan. Inspired by the pale whitish color, I added half a yuzu squeezed, then some shiitake sliced. Once the potatoes were cooked I serve (the cauliflower and the shiitake can still be crunchy). I added the redt of ghe juice of yuzu and some yuzu zest. 

Kidney beans and cod

Monday is workout day! To start the week in shape and full of energy, on Monday evening, before dinner, I practise 1h of Pilates. Once I am done, it’s way time to think about dinner, and if we want to eat before 22:30, it’d rather be quick to prepare. One plates are usually what I go for, but tonight I was more in the mood for a warming dish. I had this beautiful piece of cod from Hokkaido, so I prepared a very simple kidney beans raggu.

In a heated pan I added olive oil, a big ripe tomato diced, 2 little laurel leaves, salt and pepper, once the tomato was soft enough I added the cod cut in big chucks, pepper again, and cooked under cover for 3-5min at medium heat. I rarely use canned food but I must admit that when in a hurry canned beans are really handy, so I almost always have a can of chick peas, a can of red beans and a can of kidney beans, these cans are also my emergency food in case of natural disaster, i.e. earthquake because in 2011 when the big earthquake stroked we didn’t have any ready-to-eat food (neither anything to eat because I was shopping day to day) in case it would be necessary, so I’ve learned my lessons. So back to our dinner recipe, I drained the kidney beans and rinced them, then in a heated pan with olive oil I cooked them quickly. I added two or three spoons of the water from the tomato. Then I served. On the side I prepared sautéed leek and shiitake.

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