In love with scones again!

It’s been months I didn’t bake scones. Last year at the same period I was making some probably once or twice a week and then I suddenly stopped… Why? I don’t think I even know the answer… but today, for a change, instead of making crepes for tea-time after our tennis game, I was in the mood for scones. Maybe because it was not late and I had time, and because I already had my hands dirty as I was kneading dough to make bread for tomorrow. Yes… with the cold temperatures it’s about 24 hour or more I need to obtain good rises.

So, hop hop! Here I am, moving my hands from one bowl to the other and starting preparing scone dough. I have now a zero failure recipe, that is really simple. After mixing flour, baking powder and a bit of sugar, I knead with just a bit of butter (1/5 or 1/6 of the flour weight at most) and I use milk, only milk, to moisten the dough, added little by little until I have just the right consistency, just a bit sticky. But really just a bit! Then I roll the dough on a piece of parchment paper to 1cm high and cut them. I made bite size scones. I bake at 200degrees for 15 minutes. And what I like the most with scones is to eat them straight from the oven. Today I chose cream cheese to top them. And I am in love with scones again. Great! Because I made an extra batch for breakfast tomorrow!!!

Petits sablés- プチサブレ

Nothing simpler and tastier than little homemade sablés to go with fresh strawberries and help you combat a cold and gloomy Saturday! I made three variations: plain, black sesame and macha. It takes only a few minutes to make them a few more to bake them and they make everyone happy!!! 

Petits sablés: 

– 180g of flour

– 50g of brown caster sugar

– 40-60g of butter depending on the size of the egg

– 1 egg

– 1tsp of matcha powder

– 1tbs of black sesame seeds

In a bowl mix the flour, the sugar, the egg. Add little by little the butter until obtaining a dough that is dense but doesn’t stick. If it sticks too much add a little more flour. Pre-heat the oven to 170deg. Split the dough in 3. In one of the 1/3 add the matcha powder and stir well, in a second 1/3 add the sesame and stir well, in the last 1/3 do nothing. Roll each of the dough until 3-4mm high on cooking paper and cut with the size and shape you like. Bake until it just dtarts to golden (usually about 10min depending on your oven).



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