Vegan patties and cumin baby spinach

I got a nice bunch of fresh baby spinach at the farmers market and wasn’t sure about what to do about it. A salad of course, but lately evenings have been chilly and I wanted to eat something warm. Yet not completly ruined them: like in a tart or in an omelet. So I just washed them and steam them for a few minutes, add some cumin piwder and cumin seeds, that’s it!  I served it with some ripe and sweet tomatoes diced and some grilled cereals patties. Here I use a vegan burger mix. I usually don’t use these kind of products and I should work on my own mix but really this vegan burger mix, slightly spicy is really good, I just don’t look at what are the ingredients inside for once!!

I didn’t use any seasoning with the tomatoes because they are ripe, juicy and swwet, just on the side a bit of curcuma powder and salt and pepper.

Improvised dinner for friends

Our friends visiting from Germany spent the weekend with us in Tokyo with daytime busy visiting the city, museums, flea markets, and kabuki, trying some nice cafes too, and evening at home, I’ve cooked for them Japanese as much as possible but not only, in particular for an improvised late dinner at home after a long day out and a fridge almost empty. So I opted for a potatoes and baby spinach salad with tofu and poached egg and topped with sunflower seds and flax seeds. Simple, ready in 10min and delicious!!

Asparagus risotto

Yes! Spring is here for sure and aspargus start to be seen on the market stands. Nothing simpler and more classic then an asparagus risotto, and still so delicious, I never miss to make one. I used a new onion for the base, for sweetness and melty texture, that I chopped roughly and slightly cook in olive oil. Then I added the rice, and rolled it in the oil until almost golden. Finally added water or vegetables bouillon if you have one. Once almost all the water has been absorbed by the rice, I added the asparagus chopped. And cooked until bright and shiny green to keep then perfectly crunchy. Served right away.

Radish top soup

Super fresh radish with beautiful green tops call for a simple vegan soup, simply boiling and then blending the tops in water, adding salt pepper and soya milk. Ready and delicious. 

Simply baked veggies

When the winter market decide for you what will be on the menu, it’s veggies, veggies, just veggies simply oven cooked with thyme and a very little of olive oil. From top left: purple sweet potatoe, potato, romanesco, red carrot, shiitake. Copy paste and get a dinner for two after baking for 1h at 170deg in the oven. Serve as it is or add a splash of olive oil and a bit of salt.

Late after-work dinner

This week is the last one before flying to Italy, so there’s quite a number of things I want to finish to be sure that I’m leaving with everything sorted out. Days at the lab have been extremely long and busy juggling with meeting, students, lectures and administrative work. So when back home I want to prepare aome light and comforting food. These little tortellini are just perfect. But rather than simply boiling them and serving them with olive oil, this time I opted for a fresh veggies broth made with leek, carrots and carrot leaves. After boiling the veggies in water for 3min I added the tortellini and boiled them for about 10min (you don’t want to over-cook them). I served it as a soup and for those who like it I served with some gratted Parmegiano.


With autumn slowly making its way, and a typhoon winds rattling outside, mushrooms start to be a must of the season. Not that there are so many wild mushroom on the markets in Japan, but still autumn is for me a great season to enjoy mushrooms. After my 100% Japanese dish with mushrooms 2 weeks ago, now it’s a more international recipe, yet as simple. First replace the Japanese rice by quinoa. Second mix different types of mushrooms: shimeji, maitake and nameko, and instead of adding soy sauce just add salt once grilled. 

Simply veggies

I’m still a bit suffering from jetlag, and I wake up early, but in France it’s all dark until 7:00am, so there’s not much to do. So let me introduce an other recipe of delicious veggies, like I already miss them!

Grilled veggies are the best! Potato, sweet potato, kabocha and broccoli. I just added a few pieces of prosciutto.  An other pre-travel meal perfect to empty the fridge and to sustain my hunger for veggies.

Broccoli and mashed potatoes

Before and after traveling I feel like needing more than ever fresh fruits and veggies and super simple recipes. So let me share with you a new idea I add. I wanted to eat mashed potatoes, I love them! But I don’t make some too often. So for this recipe I prepared simple mash potatoes with only a bit of butter, then I added some little chunks of broccoli, and finished with an egg, and lot of pepper. Simply delicious!

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