Purple salad

At the local farmers market I found this beautiful purple mizuna that I already used in a recipe Sunday. I love mizuna because it’s fresh, crunchy and easy to prepare, and this purple one is particularly pretty. I also found some beautiful purple sweet potatoes (紫芋-murasaki imo) and decided to prepare a big salad for our guests visiting us. I baked the potatoes in the oven wrapped in aluminum foil until soft, then I peeled them and cut them in small pieces. I washed a lettuce, a tomato and some mizuna, cut all in bites, and added some black sesame, olive oil, salt. Additionally you can add grilled tuna, smoked chicken… 

Energy macrobiotic lunch

With chillier days we try to play tennis not in the morning anymore but in the afternoon, so before we go we need a good lunch full of energy. Inspired by the book of macrobiotic recipes, I came up with a nice one-bowl recipe using a base of brown rice, some seasonal sautéed veggies: kabocha, purple sweet potato, turnip in sesame oil, and a piece of Koya-dofu diced in the veggies. I topped the whole with fresh purple mizuna. 

Simple, light and full of good energy before our game! 

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