Mapple butter

Beautiful Saturday morning, blue sky, big Mount Fuji covered in snow, it could have been a perfect day if only I were not obliged to spend the best of the day stuck inside doing my duty as department secretary. One beautiful day lost is nothing you can make up for. ..

At least to cheer me this morning I baked us pancake to eat with the amazing Canadian mapple butter our friends from Canada, now visiting Japan, brang us. Mapple butter is made with 100% of mapple syrup and has the creamy consistence of honey. I find it’s the perfect spread for breakfast with wholewheat breads or fluffy pancakes. This mirning I made simple vanilla pancakes to go with. Deliciously simple. Thanks Dana & Chris!

Cauliflower and broccoli

Having all these beautiful cabbages in the fridge, I’m always wondering which one to chose and to cook, so tonight I opted for a duet: cauliflower and broccoli. 

Again this time, the recipe was not decided when I started to cook and I changed my mind ten times in the process. So first I steamed half a cauliflower and a broccoli, because I wasn’t sure of what I was to prepare I kept them separately all the time. Then with the cauliflower I prepared a roux with quite a lot of flour to obtain  a thick dough, seasonned with nutmegs, salt and pepper, and decided to make pancakes with that. For the broccoli I decided to make a soup, so I also prepared a roux but with very little flower, then I blended the steamed broccoli and added enough water for two servings, salt, and a little of sesame seeds.

I baked the pancakes in a greased pan, and served. An other seeving option is with some prosciutto and Parmegiano with the pancakes. 

Buckwheat pancake and vegetables

This recipe with zucchini was invented on the spot. I wanted to eat my yellow zucchini with some green beans and purple asparagus, but didn’t want to eat pasta or risotto, so I prepared a batter with buckwheat flour, baking powder, salt, 2 eggs and water (makes two large pancake). In a pan I sauteed in olive oil the green beans, the yellow zucchini cut in small pieces, and the purple asparagus, then I baked it in a small greased pan at low eat the batter and topped it right away with the vegetables and baked only on one side under cover. The vegetables sink a bit in the dough and it resembles something in between a crepe, a pizza and an omelet. I topped it when done with a bit of salt and olive oil. Simply delicious!

One-plate dinner

Days around Tokyo are getting warmer and the golden week (a few days of bank holidays in a row) is really beautiful this year!  A lot of fresh fruits and vegetables just bought at the local farmers market. With this beautiful weather we spend a lot of time outside and crave for fresh tasty meals, so I concocted this one plate for dinner: a bit of cucumber with fresh mint and fromage blanc; a fake ratatouille: just tomatoes, onion, zucchini stewed in olive oil with a bouquet garni; and to accompany the whole thing some chick pea flour and linen seeds pancakes. 

For the vegan chickpes pancake it’s really easy: just mixing chick pea flour with water, linen seeds and a bit of salt and olive oil to obtain a thick mixture that can be shaped in small pancakes with the hands. And then grill them or fry them in okive oil.

Bon appetite!

Mini buckwheat pancakes with spinach and shimeji

This year I’m making a lot of pancakes and crepes. I find it really easy to prepare, quick to cook, good with everything, and infinite variations. This time I prepared mini buckwheat pancakes. A simple mix of buckwheat flour, baking soda, salt, eggs and water. Baked in mini size in a frypan. I prepared with that a juicy mix of spinach and shimeji, with olive oil. Super yummy!

Oat bran mini pancakes

Sometime it’s nice to have a drink and a few snacks to go with but no junk, no nuts nor cherry tomatoes…

As I mentioned the other day, I quite addicted to making pancakes and similars. It’s really super simple, it takes a few minutes and it is possible to create any variation. So today I made some salty oat bran mini pancakes to top it with whatever you have: here melted cheese and French pâté (not for me the pâté of course!!).
The base for the pancakes is made of plain flour, oat bran, baking powder, salt and water. I adjust the quantities of flour and water to obtain a not too smooth mixture so that when I bake it in the pan the shape won’t collapse and I don’t need circles.
And you, what kind of pancake addict are you?


Today is French “crepe day” called Chandeleur. I’m not sure I’m gonna make any tonight because I’ll be back from work quite late tonight. Yet I cook crepes and pancakes very often recently and in many different versions: changing the flour type, egg/no egg, milk/water…
This recipe is one I like to prepare for myself when I manage to have lunch at home.
I use a mix of chesnut flour and of corn starch, some baking powder, one egg and a bit of water to make the dough for the pancake. I baked it in olive oil in a small fry-pan on one side only, thick enough and covered the top side with 1/2 fresh mozarella, 1/2 fresh large very riped tomato. Seasonned with thyme, salt and pepper. And ready to eat in less then 10min!


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