Tofu cheese cake

About 10 years ago, my parents came to spend some time with us and my mother absolutely wanted to cook some Japanese dessert. I didn’t have much Japanese cooking books that were not in Japanese, so the best I could offer was this book I already introduced some time ago

There are very few recipes of desserts but one that pleased everyone: tofu cheese cake. Of course we didn’t really follow the recipe, and add different flavoring. But the basic recipe was simple and the result never disappointing. Last night I was looking for a dessert recipe, and when I saw some tofu in the fridge, I remembered that recipe and decided to try it again. And this time was not different. A simple tasty and healthy dessert!!! 

Tofu cheese cake (for 4-6 people)

– one block of tofu drained, recipe said momendofu (hard), but I used kinudofu (silky tofu)

– 5tbs of flour or cornstarch

 – 3 eggs

– 6tbs of sugar

– flavoring: vanilla, lemon juice, lemon zest or macha or spices of your choice (I tried with cardamom) 

 Preheat the oven to 180deg. In a bowl, mix the tofu with the flour, the egg yolks, and 3tbs of sugar, the flavoring. In an other bowl beat the whites until stiff and the sugar and continue beating until silky. Add this mix to the previous one delicately.

Line a pie dish or an oven dish with cooking paper, and then pour the preparation in. Cook in the oven about 30min or until golden.

Plum compote

You remember probably that I bottled my plum syrup last weekend and I wasn’t sure what to do with the plums. Trashing them was such a waste, and after they had macerated so long in sugar and their juice they’ve lost a lot of sourness and were quite sweet. So I decided to make some compote. I simply put them in a pan, covered with water, boiled them until the water was gone, and magically my completely shriveled plum came back to fleshed ones. I just removed the pits, and that’s it. You can add some kanten to make plum yokan also. In both cases the seasoning is perfect and the taste very mild. Delicious recycled food!!!!


Yes! The season for clafoutis is coming again! I love summer and summer fruits simple recipes like clafoutis, tarts and simply poached fruits with herbs or spices. The clafoutis recipe is really simple: 4 ingredients only: flour-eggs-milk-sugar, but you can easily make some variations by changing the balance between the ingredients, or using vegetal milk rather than cow milk. Recently I’ve been using quite a lot of a new organic non-modified soya milk and again I used it this time. I wanted also a rather thick consistency so I used more flour than usual and fewer eggs (only 3). And since cherries are really sweet, and I had plenty, and I prepared the clafoutis for breakfast I used very little untreated natural sugar. Nothing new here, just that the season has arrived again and many clafoutis will be made this summer too I guess!!!

Petits sablés- プチサブレ

Nothing simpler and tastier than little homemade sablés to go with fresh strawberries and help you combat a cold and gloomy Saturday! I made three variations: plain, black sesame and macha. It takes only a few minutes to make them a few more to bake them and they make everyone happy!!! 

Petits sablés: 

– 180g of flour

– 50g of brown caster sugar

– 40-60g of butter depending on the size of the egg

– 1 egg

– 1tsp of matcha powder

– 1tbs of black sesame seeds

In a bowl mix the flour, the sugar, the egg. Add little by little the butter until obtaining a dough that is dense but doesn’t stick. If it sticks too much add a little more flour. Pre-heat the oven to 170deg. Split the dough in 3. In one of the 1/3 add the matcha powder and stir well, in a second 1/3 add the sesame and stir well, in the last 1/3 do nothing. Roll each of the dough until 3-4mm high on cooking paper and cut with the size and shape you like. Bake until it just dtarts to golden (usually about 10min depending on your oven).



Chocolate cheesecake

For once I tried a new recipe of chocolate cheesecake but I turn it into something mine. 

For the base, you need 100g of speculos and 40-50g of salted butter. You crush the biscuit and mix with the melted butter, then put in your mold.  

For the chocolate cream, you need:

– one pack of cream cheese   

– 3 big spoons of white cheese or yogurt

 – 3 big spoons of brown sugar  

– 1 big spoon of flour  

– 180g of dark chocolate  

– 25-30cl of liquid cream

– 1 egg

Put the cream and the chocolate in a pan to melt them. At the same time mix all the other ingredients together. Add the chocolate. Stir well.

Put this mix in the mold on top of the biscuits and then into a hot oven (130) for 30-40 minutes.

Finally keep refrigerated for 4 hours. And add some cocoa on the top before serving.  


Instead of the traditional strawberry tart for A.’s birthday, I decided to make choux. It’s not something I’m very found of because ot often goes with cream or filling Idon’t like too much, but A. likes them very much. It’s actually very simple to make and with just an ice-sugar frosting it’s really delicious. It was my first time making some so they were a bit too big to my taste but taste-wise it was perfect! Recipe soon to come!

Plum jelly – 梅羊羹

It is extremely rare I cook something sweet for dessert, or I cook dessert at all. Unless we have guests for dinner our meals end sometimes with a fruit, sometimes a yogurt but most often with just a little piece of chocolate. In the trading with our neighbor, fruits from our garden in exchange whatever she has, the other day she gave some plum jam and she told me: “you know, it’s sour, but it’s really good in plum jelly!”. OK then, let’s make some plum jelly (梅羊羹-ume youkan)… Well it’s really simple and it works also with any jam you like (I trued also with my natsumikan jam). You need only a flat recipient, some jam, 1/2L of water and a little bag of agar-agar or 寒天-kanten. Boil the water in a pan, add the jam, then the kanten, stir well while still heating for a few minutes. Set in the flat recipient  and wait for the liquid to cool down, then refregirate. Before serving cut in pieces of the shape you fancy.

Flan patissier

I love this thick and rich dessert called “flan patissier”, which basically is a milk pudding on a dough. It’s been years I haven’t eaten any, and recently I’ve been thinking about making some. Chance was on my side with a special issue of “cuisine actuelle” on homemade cooking, and a lot of classical French recipes, and the one of the flan patissier!!!
It is really easy to make and a delicious dessert or a perfect breakfast served with fruits.

The dough is a “pate brisee”, so just flour, butter and water. The pudding part is vanila flavoured milk, eggs and sugar like for a regular pudding. And it is baked 45min in an oven at 180.


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