
We’re not talking about food here! Though there is this trend that eating insects is good for the planet and healthy, and actually there is a tradition in Nagano prefecture to eat a type of grasshoper that lives in the rice paddies, prepared with soya sauce, mirin, sugar, I pass. I can’t eat anything that has the shape or features of a living animal. No here I talking of a little DIY. When Prunellia was here and found these metal broches at a nearby old shop, I immediately though of using them to make an insects collection. And here it is. I’ve made several and these are my first boxes so maybe not the best.

I bought thick frame boxes, colored paper for the back, I punched two small holes in the metal broches and pick a pin in each hole, fixed it with a drop of liquid transparent glue, and ready!  

DIY lamp in a basket

The other day at Yasukuni Shrine flea market I bought 2 bamboo baskets for 500Y. Usually such baskets are use for flower composition, but I liked so much the bamboo pattern of one of them that I wanted to make a lamp out of one to enjoy the projection of the pattern on the walls.

With such basket it was really easy to mount as a lamp, and here is the result!
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