Magic friends

What I thought was a crazy thing Saturday turned out to be an incredible experience. In less than 48h we have found more loving houses for our orphan kittens than we can actually satisfy! Thanks to some magic friends our kittens are living a happy life in our bathroom in the country, while we work in Tokyo and hopefully by the end of the week they will all have new families. (Appologies for those who wanted one and won’t) And if it works well they will stay in pair so won’t be too home sick!!!! I keep my finger crossed and thank again everyone who is helping in this adventure!

Adopt me!

Or how to be or not to be trapped by a stray cat with a lovely fur and a cute face… Indeed, it’s been a few weeks this cat has been around our house (basically since we came back from France) but I thought it my have been some of our neighbors cat so I didn’t give her anything and anyway couldn’t approach her. But then when 3 weeks ago we learn from our old neighbor that it is indeed a stray cat I thought she might be hungry so I started to feed her with katsuobushi and she seemed to like it very much, spent most of her time with us but still was innaprochable, yet we named Pablo. Last week-end we made a move and decided to build her a little place since it’s getting colder at night, she started to answer her name or it seemed and didn’t leave the premises of the house, even more, she’s been staying literally with us while we were gardening, she tried many times to get in the house and succeeded twice, and she broke my heart when we left, since she accompanied us to the car, a place she never go with us usually. Now, this week end I’m working and we are staying in Tokyo, and I wonder if she’s waiting for us. I’m not sure we want to adopt a cat but this one is definitely trying her luck with us, and already adopted us.

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