Fukinoto – ふきのとう

Fukinoto growing in our garden
As a lot if places, Japan is full if wild plants that are edible. A lot of them come as a set called 山菜 (pronounce that sansai, literaly the “mountains vegetables”). It includes kogomi, tara no me, warabi and fukinoto. Most of them are great fun to pick, just like mushrooms. Depending on places they are more or less abundant and they grow at different times. For example fuki no to grow in January-February in Chiba prefecture, while in the Niigata mountains they are snow piercer and grow in May.
The first time we ate fukinoto, we actually went to pick them in Tsunan machi area with some friends connoisseurs. Later, I realize that we have some in the garden!! Fukinoto are delicious, with quite a strong taste easy to identify. They are better eaten while still at the bud stage (not as opened as the picture show them). They are often prepared in tempura (I skip this since I don’t deep fry at home), in a mixture with miso: fukinoto-miso which allows to preserve them longer, and in miso soup.
Today I tried the miso soup with tofu!

For that you need a good katsuo dashi, or konbu dashi for a vegan experience (I promise to prepare something about dashi soon), some miso (I prefer white or light colored miso for miso soup, which is also what is used for winter miso soup in cha-kaiseki), a piece of silky tofu, and some fresh fukinoto. Once you’ve prepared the dashi, mix in a spoon of miso per person. In the bowls put a few dices of tofu (after draining it), top with the finely chopped fukinoto (for a softer taste of fukinoto you can boil them once chopped in a net for 30s) and finally add the miso soup. Et voila!
Plain rice and fukinoto miso soup

Japanese Valentine

In Japan Valentine is not celebrated as in Europe or North America. In Japan, on Valentine day girls are supposed to offer chocolates to boys. It can extend to nonlovers  too: offering chocolate to your colleagues  etc… Not to say that the chocolate business is at its climax and prices are skyrocketing. So a lot of people make their own chocolates and you can find all the necessary goodies in any supermarket. 

Since I have a chocolate addict husband I can assure you the Japanese Valentine pleases him very much, and if we’ve never celebrated Valentine before we were in Japan, now I always try to prepare something. Usually it’s chocolate truffles, and this year again that’s what I’m preparing.
The recipe is simple and there is no possible way to make it wrong: melt 125g of dark chocolate with 40g of butter, then add 1 egg yolk, 40g of ice sugar, vanilla, stir well and keep refrigirated for 1h or 2h. Once the ganache is hard ise a spoon and roll some in yours hand then in cacao. You adjust the size to your taste.

Now I’m supposed to wait for White day (March 14th) for the  counterpart present when boys are supposed to offer something to girls…
Happy Valentine!

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