French baguette

Well, there is no week-end in the country without a proper Sunday morning breakfast with freshly baked bread or equivalent and fresh fruits. This Sunday is not different, and for the breakfast I prepared French baguette. French baguette requires 1h of autolysis before you can start kneading, so it’s not often I have the time to prepare it, because usually I am to busy outside gardening. This week-end it’s a little bit different since we’re having some workers at home for the reform of our entrance hall I’m not gardening much. Preparing baguette is not more difficult than any other bread but as French there is something special about it, something sentimental when you eat it.

So to prepare one baguette I use 166g of flour; 107g of water; 4g of salt; 8g of dry sourdough; 3g of yeast.

First mix the flour with 2/3 of the water and wait for 1h for the autolysis. Then add all the rest of the ingredients, knead until soft and smooth, and let rest 1h30 for proving. Then lay the dough flat for 15min; finally shape the bread and wait an other 1h30; flour and incise before baking at 230 degrees for 20min. And here you have a freshly baked baguette!

Actually because I love freshly baked bread in the morning, I prepare the bread and replace the last 1h30 by a whole night in the fridge. In the morning just have to bake it. 

Spelt baguette

I wanted to make some baguette but realized I was running out of white flour, so I replaced it by spelt flour. The result was really tasty and I managed, despite the cold temperature in the house in that season, to obtain a very soft crumb in a relatively short time. 

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