Multigrain risotto with burdock

As I was telling you, I really love the mix fresh parsley and burdock. May be because it makes the burdock taste even more artichoky, a vegetable I love but that is not common in Japan (though I’ve spotted some lovely artichokes plants in my neighbor’s potager garden!). As we will be traveling to Sicily,… Continue Reading →

Snap peas and onion risotto

We are slowly going towards the rainy season and it’s getting towards the end of the season for spring vegetables in Tokyo area, soon we will have melon, zucchini, okras… But before it ends really let’s enjoy some more spring greens!!! Snap peas are very easy to cook, they just need to be blanched, and… Continue Reading →

Cauliflower risotto

Though I love risotto and I cook some often, I don’t post recipes as often as I would like just because I really fond it hard to photograph. I already mentioned that before, I’ve tried several techniques but I am not often satisfied with the results. In particular because I cook chiefly for dinner and… Continue Reading →

Asparagus risotto

Yes! Spring is here for sure and aspargus start to be seen on the market stands. Nothing simpler and more classic then an asparagus risotto, and still so delicious, I never miss to make one. I used a new onion for the base, for sweetness and melty texture, that I chopped roughly and slightly cook… Continue Reading →

Winter → Spring risotto

Warm days with sometimes cold wind and chilly evenings follow each other, the end of the winter veggies overlaps with the beginning of spring veggies so my cooking is largely influenced by the envy of spring food, but the warmth of winter food. So I came up with new vegan risotto recipe with winter red… Continue Reading →

Spinach risotto and cod

As expected, it is now getting cold in Tokyo and the real winter is here. Nothing better to get warm than a kind of thick ice soup or wet risotto with veggies and fresh cod.In a pan greased with olive oil, first grill the rice (arborio or carnoli), then cover twice with some veggie consome… Continue Reading →

Risotto with radichio and Italian sausage

Continuing our Sicilan food exploration, we bought in Castelvetrano some beautiful round radichio and decided to use it for a risotto. Cooking 6 hands now with the TPS and their mother, this recipe is really simple and delicious, always taking advantage of the quality of the ingredients. So, for that recipe for 8 people we… Continue Reading →

Beetroot risotto

Last year when we went back to France for Christmas we had several time beetroot, mainly in winter style salads, and I realized that in Japan this is not a common vegetable, just like fennel, kale or so many other vegetables that are common in the west (celery was hard to find a few years… Continue Reading →

Burdock – 牛蒡

There are a few vegetables that are hard to find in Japan and I really love: fennels, artichokes, salsify… When I first ate burdock (gobo ゴボウ 牛蒡) I was quite surprised with the very peculiar taste, and I realized it was a good alternative for both salsify and artichoke at the same time. This long… Continue Reading →

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