Lunch on the desk

When busy weeks with visitors and eating out are followed by busy weeks preparing lectures, writing big grant proposal and traveling I need lunch that are quick, light and fresh, but full of energy and tasty. I am lucky enough to have a space in my office where I can prepare rudimentary things, and usually… Continue Reading →

Sandwich for lunch

Recently a lot of my lunches at work look like this! I really love whole grain bread or bagels, I spread cream cheese or cottage cheese, then top with sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, leaf of salad, rucolla, sprouts, and my lunch is ready! When it’s not cream cheese it’s avocado slices. Super simple, tasty, crunchy-creamy… Continue Reading →

Lunch time

I’ve always hated cafetaria for lunch. The single idea of taking food on a tray disgusts me. I don’t have much time to go out for lunch, or I could take it but most of the time after lunch outthen I feel sleepy the whole afternoon. So I’ve always turned around the problem by either… Continue Reading →

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